We get caught up in the dramatics

Of our own self made universes;

Imagine  the characters  we desire to be,

Don the costumes of their roles,

Then wallow around in the emotional energies of it all

Until we become that character we alone have created.

Eventually forgetting, or never realizing,

That in reality; that we are not this character.

Each one of us; you, me, are independent beings

On our own personal journey of experiences

Through Life.


      Our game begins, obviously, with our physical entrance into life. Which means, in order to physically enter life we have to do so through the birth process. And in the birth process, unless totally proven otherwise to work differently, it seems we have to take what we get in order to get here. Therefore, if this is the case, we don't get to choose what color we are, what country we are born in, our social or financial status, physical condition, or whatever. Where we land is where we land. We could land anywhere, to anybody, into any of an infinite random life situations. Wherever we land then becomes our universe. Our world. Our reality of life.

     It is, of course, not our fault. When we are born, we have no way of receiving any information to explain what just happened. We have no idea who we are, where we are, or what is going on. All we know is that we are no longer in that nice, warm, dark, wet place; and someone just smacked us on the butt. We are scared, confused, pissed off, and hungry. To make things worse; we can’t walk, we can’t talk, or even feed ourselves. So other than gaining a bit of personality, we are still a completely clean slate. A program ready to be written.

              So we do what every young strapping new born baby does. We cry. Which pretty much turns out to be our announcement to the world that we are now joining the game. Of course, when we make this announcement, we have no idea of who our character for the game is going to be, or that we are even in a game to begin with.

     Not to worry though, the game has a way of quickly assimilating us, so that we can start playing almost immediately. The very first thing that happens is, we are given a complimentary name for our brand new character. "John Smith", or "Mary Doe", or whatever they may call us. Which we unknowingly accept, as it becomes ‘who we are’ for the rest of our lives.

         Along with our new complimentary names, we also get to learn a language.  Which is, of course, the default language of the scenario into which we are cast. Once we learn our new language, we can then start memorizing the rules of the game. When our programming is complete, we will have a religion to believe in, an ethnic heritage to be proud of, a country to pledge allegiance to, a family to be loyal to, and a basic fundamental understanding of who we are. Based on our perceptions of what reality is, according to what we are  told, by those who ‘know’.

     Thus the illusion. What we believe to be real and normal is nothing more than just 'learned' thought and programmed 'knowledge' from the information jammed into our minds straight out of the scenario we were born into. In other words, because we have no way of knowing any different, we are completely subject to 'Garbage in, Garbage out'. So with no idea of what is going on we 'become' products of our environments. Believing this is how life is.

     Unfortunately  this is not how the game is supposed to be played. Somewhere along the way, the instructions must have gotten lost in the translation. Either that or they were in the apple when Adam ate it. Because according to the story, that is apparently when we all went haywire. Then again, maybe a program was never written. Maybe by the time we finally realized that we were no longer monkeys, we were already caught up so far in the game, that no one ever thought to rewrite the ‘human’ instructions. Or, maybe we were dropped off by aliens, and the instructions were written in the alien language, so no one understood them. Of course the instructions could have been blown up in the ‘big ‘bang’, and no one received them at all.

     In reality, the instructions are very simple. Our human experience is not that difficult. It's that just by now, our programming has apparently dulled so many of us into such an unconscious state; that until we are somehow blasted back into consciousness those that actually receive and understand the instructions have to fight through such a raging storm of ignorance, that the task of trying to get society to follow them is like trying to swim up river in a flash flood.


     Having said all this, the first thing the instructions would tell us is that it doesn't matter where the randomness of our birth happens to place us. Where we land or who our physical parents are has absolutely nothing to do with who or what we are as beings. Every one of us begins our life as an independent being. As a mind in a physical body about to take a journey through life.

     When we arrive we arrive brand new. It doesn't matter where that is or who parented us, because we all arrive the same. We have no concept of skin color, no preset ideologies, no beliefs, no predjudices, or any other preprogammed realities. Our minds are completely empty. We know nothing.

     At the moment of our birth we are unique beings who arrive unattached to anything but our own selves. Our existence is about ourself. About our life. About our journey. Our existence is soley about each and every one of us, and each one of us alone.

           Unfortunately, with the exception of a few, the human species does not see themselves as individual beings. Therefore

when we arrive, we land right in the middle of already existing, ongoing games that started long before we ever got there. Games that the humans who parented us are involved in as part of their reality and have now placed us right in the middle of, and made us a part of.

     To them we are not an independent tiny individual being about to go on a journey of experiences through life. To them we are their baby. In their minds they own us, we belong to them. And since we are even more clueless than they are, we seamlessly fall right into the game with them; completely subject to their cultures, rules, influences and ways of life.

     As we develop from babies into infants, then into childhood, we soon 'become' part of the random scenario our lottery barrel placed us in. Products of our environments if you will. Meaning we 'are' that race we were born into. We 'are' whatever nationality our birth parents are. We become part of a family, a religion, a culture; and all the other things that by acceptance we integrate into our life as 'who' or 'what' we are.

     Except we know now that is not who or what we are. The fact that we have attached to a race, or a nationality, or whatever, does not change the fact that we are independent individual beings. Our attachment only describes the character we are creating for ourselves in our Human Game.

     These attachments we place on ourselves in the beginning are attachments of acceptance. Meaning we are innocently accepting the programming we are recieving because at our young age we are extremely impressionable. Attachments of acceptance are the most powerful kind of attachments because they seem so real and credible that they just naturally sink in and become instant 'realities'.

     The longer we remain running on automatic in our lottery barrel version of the Human Game, the deeper and more solid we become imbedded in our acceptance of it as the way life is. And unless somehow our awareness of ourselves as individual beings magically awakens, or we at least figure out what an amazing mind we have and how much control we actually have over it, we will most likely continue to run on automatic our whole lives. Which is pretty much sums up what the human race has been doing from one generation to the next since the beginning of mankind.


     The main purpose for creating the subject of a birth lottery barrel is to really bring home a depth of understand of ourselves as individual beings. That we come into this world as a brand new being with an empty mind, completely free of any knowledge or preconceptions. Separate from every other being.

     That we all begin our lives in completely different life situations  than one another. Securing that all of our journey's will be personal and different for each one of us.

     The Birth Lotter Barrel process demonstrates how easy and naturally we fall into the cycle of acceptance reality. Generation after generation humans have lived life on automatic, getting so caught up in the Human Game that our minds have remained stagnant and blind as to who and what we are as beings. It's time we broke free of this cycle. Even if it is just one person. Even if it is just you. You can at least free yourself from the constraints of being lost in the fog of the Human Game.



The Birth Lottery Barrel