Into the Mind
At the bottom of this page is the menu to access the rest of the writings. It is there because of how important this chapter is to the rest of the discussion
Human Existence
Our human existence here is simple.
We are here to experience life,
Both mentally and physically;
And to learn so we can
Evolve into higher beings.
As we begin our journey into the Human Game, the first thing we must absolutely do before we take our first step is to come to a full and complete understanding of the most basic element of our journey. And that is the core of not only who we are, but what we are as beings.
And here it is:
Each one of us is a completely unique, individual being on our own individual journey.
At first glance this seems such a simple thing. Of course we are all unique and individual beings. After all, who doesn't know that?
Yet, with 'everybody' knowing this, there is very little understanding of our own individual selves; if any. Knowing that we are uniquely different from each other is merely a surface knowledge that obviously has gained us nothing throughout the history of mankind. Only through a profoundly deep understanding of who and what we are as that uniquely different individual will gain us the insight necessary to keep us from getting lost inside the Human Game.
So let's get started on that.
I believe the easiest way to understand 'who' or 'what' we are, is to understand who or what we are not.
For Example:
A) We are not our jobs, our ranks, our titles or social positions.
B) We are not our financial status, or our possessions
C) We are not our race, our nationalities, or our religions.
D) We are not our bodies, our gender, or sexual preferences.
E) We are not our families, our heritage, or our cultures.
F) We have nothing to do with any history occuring before us.
In Other Words:
What We Are is an individual being, on our own personal journey through life. Who We Are is the person we have created through our own choices, realities, and attachments.
A Trip into the Mind
To further understand this, let us take a little trip into our own minds. Now this part may seem complicated, be assured it is not. In fact once we reach our ultimate target of this exercise, much clarity on who and what we are should be obtained. Making the rest of the journey much easier to follow. So take it slow and clearly visualize each step. Feel free to repeat the process. Visiting your mind is always a good thing.
A) Begin by sitting quietly with your eyes shut, observing only the quiet and darkness within. For the moment, just observe the activity within your mind. The energy and the motion of thought. Do not focus on any one thing. Only observe.
B) As you observe, slowly begin taking control of the activity within. Try and quiet the thoughts and energy, slowing it down until you can push those thoughts outward and away, opening up a nice clear space so that you are alone with yourself inside your mind.
C) Now focus on only yourself inside your mind. The stronger and clearer the awareness of your self within becomes, the more you can expand that awareness, exploring deeper and deeper into your own mind. Continue to expand and strengthen your awareness of yourself within your mind, until that awareness of you and mind blend together becoming one and the same.
D) It is at this point, when our awareness of self and our mind blend together as one and the same, we can finally understand that there is no separation between the two. This is because we are our mind. In other words, what we are is a mind. A mind inside a physical body.
Its all in the mind.
Having presented my thoughts that we are all not only individual beings, but that we are all individual minds in a physical body, let us strengthen that premise with this:
Life exists in our minds.
Nothing happens in our life without passing through our mind. Because this is not only how we become aware of whatever is going on, but it is how we experience life. Through our minds.
This is because in order to become aware of something, or experience something, it must be processed in the mind. When we see, hear, or feel something, it is because our physical sensors send a signal to our brain, which in turn sends it to our mind to be identified and processed. So if 'we' are seeing something or 'we' are hearing something, it is because our mind is telling us what that particular physical activity is. And since we and the mind are one and the same, as soon as the mind recieves it, we recieve it.
In other words whatever we are experiencing in our life, we are actually experiencing it in our mind. And the reason we are experiencing it through our mind is because we are our mind.
We are creators
Lastly; when we consider that we are a mind, we should be clear on what the mind does. What we do as a being. The mind creates thought, therefore being a mind, that is exactly what we do. We create thought. We think. Every minute of every day, we constantly create thought. And from that thought comes our choices; our decisions; our actions; and our perceptions of reality. From these choices, decisions, and actions we are the creators of our own lives.
The deeper we can understand all this, the more solid our foundation upon which to build our knowledge of the Human Game becomes. Simply understanding that we are unique, seperate beings allows us to look internally, rather than externally. Where all things that are not us, and all things that we are not... Exist. Because that is where the game is.
Chapter 1