It is quite difficult  to resist

the shiny lures of temptation

Which are cast into our waters

  Tempting us like hungry fish

We are surrounded by the carnival of life

With all its marvelous attractions,

games, and  sideshows.

Each with its own caller to  tempt us in.

"Hurry, hurry! Step right up! Come play! Come play!”.

       Hopefully you have read Chapter 1, "Into The Mind" before reading this chapter, then followed by Chapter 2 , "The Journey". In that order. If not may I suggest you do so at this point. It will make your journey much easier I assure you.


     Up til now,  I have merely referenced The Human Game from a distance; circling the outskirts, but never coming at it from straight ahead and actually defining what it is. So let us do that now.

     A simple explaination would be to think of The Human Game as comparible with: "The Game of Life". The difference being  the concept  behind which The Human Game is presented here. Here the Human Game is played in the mind. And we are the mind who plays it.

A Human Game

     Simply stated, A Human Game (as in a singular game) for all intents and purposes is any activity in our life in which we choose to engage or participate. A Human Game is one of the countless individual games we play throughout our lives. Making The Human Game the sum of all our individual life games played from birth to death.

     Some examples of a Human Game could be: The Love Relationship Game, The Job Game, The Religion Game, The Political Game, The Race Game, The I'm the Boss Game, The Jealousy Game, The Parenting Game, The Wedding Game, The Gossip Game, or as I am doing; The Writing Game. Just to name a very few.



     The Human Game begins at birth. Even before the glow of innocence has faded, believers and followers of one game or another begin planting their seeds of influence deep into the roots of our unsuspecting minds; indoctrinating us with masses of their ideologies, religions, cultures, or some other assorted life reality in which they participate. There is no way for us to know as babies that we are being deluged with generations of brainwashing and ways of thinking from people who were deluged before us by the same process

     Because of this, to all but an extremely rare few, most of us don't see 'games'. We see life. We are born, do what we do, then die. Tick tock, tick tock. To us, this is reality. To us, anything that happens in life is real. We don't know to separate ourselves from it as individual beings and view life as a we would a movie or a play; or that we are merely the characters that we have created for ourselves as part of our Human  Game. We don't see life as one experience after another, observed and experienced from inside our minds. Inside ourselves. Why? Because we attach ourselves to the illusion so solidly that we become a part of it.


The Human Game

     Apparently the object of the Human Game is to create a character from our own imagination, then actually become that character in life. Once our character has been created, that becomes who we are. We then create our own reality based on our own beliefs and perceptions according to our experiences, and programming. Then wallah! As Sherlock Holmes says: "The game's afoot".

     What you do in your game depends on you. There are no rules. You are limited only by your own imagination, and ability to make it happen. Otherwise the choice is yours. You are the creator, and anything goes; anything at all. With one caveat of course, what you choose to do has consequences and has direct influence over the outcome of what happens in your life. If your game flows over and adversly affects another persons game, the outcome may not be desirable. They may kill you, or put you in prison.


Our Characters

     If you ever ask somebody what they do they will probably tell you "I am a doctor", or "I am a mechanic", or "I am a teacher", or "I am a cop", etc. Depending on whatever they may 'be'. Only you didn't ask them what they are, you asked them what they do. Yet, that which they do, in their minds defines who they 'are'.  When in reality, it is merely a character they have become in their game.

     The reason we become so deeply connected to our characters is because our identity gets created so early in our lives. It doesn't take long for us to assimilate into whatever random scenario we happen to be land. Having no reason not to, we 'become' whatever character our environment, or skin color, or culture, or family, or social status, or whatever, dictates that we are 'supposed' to be.


     To most the game is just the way life is. We are who we are because it has been that way since we were born. It is our reality. It is all we have ever known. So instead of being taught that we are the mind that controls our life, and how to live as a free thinking individual experiencing physical life with thought and conscience choice; we live out our lives as the affects of our indoctrinations, influences, beliefs, and perceptions. Reacting automatically to our experiences without realizing, or forgetting, that as the mind of our life we have full power over how we react and any emotion that goes along with it. We have power over our choices. It's just that most of us have not idea.

      Uniforms of the Game

     It would, to say the least, be remiss to ignore the most obvious symbolism of the game there is. Or at least not to give it a decent honorable mention. Besides, it can actually get quite comical as the clarity of it all settles in. Thereby making the game  easier and easier  to spot. Especially for the unexperienced. I am talking, of course, about the uniforms of the game.

     Humans love their uniforms. Look around,  they are everywhere. We are surrounded by them. Uniforms not  only identify us as players,  but can generally identify the game we are playing, our positions in the game, or some other tell tale symbolism a uniform brings us. Besides the identification factor, uniforms also give us a sense of belonging. Once we don  a uniform, it puts our heads in the game, so to speak. Quite often creating a complete change of character within us as we instantly 'become' whatever character that uniform represents. Especially if the uniform, or item on the uniform identifies them as having 'rank' in the game.

     Uniforms come in many catagories. The  most  familiar being  organized team sports uniforms. The purpose is to make the team look 'uniform'. Or all the same. But uniformity extends far beyond  the just the realm of sports, and into many other areas of the gaming world. The workplace is notorious for uniforms. We probably have all seen the UPS delivery person in their 'brown' uniforms. Or can picture what a nurse or surgeon looks like. Even if the uniform is not identifiable, it may still be a uniform. Such as the suit and tie, or a dress code that requires hair to be or not be a certain way. Then there are the police, firemen, and military uniforms. The list can get quite extensive.

     Uniforms can also be that which identifies us as being in certain types of groups.  For example, you can often spot a Hindu woman by the dot on her forehead, or a Jewish man by the little cap on the top of the back part of his head. How about the Irish or Scottish with their kilts. Arabs with their heads wrapped in 'towels'. We have all probably (or most of us) been in cap and gowns during our graduations. Has anyone noticed when they pass the  cycliston the road, thier bright colored spandex outfits? How many people wear cowboy hats, or have teardrops tattoo'd under their eye when they have been in prison?

     Lastly, when thinking about uniforms, fashions can also be "uniforms".   In the late 50's black leather jackets depicted a certain rebelous personality. A certain 'cool'.  In the  60's there was tye dye shirts and long hair. Not to mention the love beads that  were quite fashionable if you were in the 'Hippie' game.  The 70's brought silk disco shirts and bell bottoms. Not only that, but  uniforms don't have to necessarily be clothes. Remember the  valley girls in the 80's  who not only basically; dressed the same but had their own language.  "Like, you know." It was still English but had their own meanings to words.  Then again, surfers have a different language altogether.  Which quite often only they understood.

     The point is, uniforms are a part of our life. Because the Human Game is a part of our life. We accept it and play it as a second nature. Often without even thinking about it. It is not only quite possible, but probably even as this is being read, it is  being read by someone in some sort of a uniform. So look around, try to identify uniforms if you can, then enjoy the humor as you gain  knowledge of the different uniforms and games we are surrounded by.

Character Roles

      The deeper we are able to understand the game, the clearer we are able to see it. What began as a simple concept, us being a character in our human game; moves farther into the complex. From inside our minds we can easily picture in our mind other humans playing their games. We can picture a server character in a restaurant, or a bum on the street. We can see the bus driver, the cop, or the surgeon in the hospital.

     Where complexity enters the scene is that humans are usually playing more than one game at a time. In one of their games they may 'be' a teacher, while at the same time they may 'be' a spouse in the love relationship game. They may also 'be' deeply religious in their religion game, as they are on the phone with their friend playing the gossip game. Many, many play the Family Game.

     In the human game there are liars, cheaters, thieves, murderers, adulterers, addicts, and the obsessed. Just as there are saints, hero's, honest, talented, fun loving, and really good hearted players too. Some may be a little of both. Takers try to take advantage of the givers. Who in turn often enable takers by giving too much. The stronger run over  the weaker until the weaker become stronger. The good try to help the bad,while the bad try to screw the good.


     Attachment to material objects is a very popular game among humans, with many roles to play in it. Especially in the money game category. Sometime in this game we play the role of the earner, the spender, the saver, the donator, the guard of it, the stealer of it, or the finder of the stealer of it.

      Of course, material objects don't have to be 'valuable'. Because humans will attach to all kinds of material objects. Cars are stolen every day. What about the 5 year olds who get into a fight over a toy that one has and the other wants.  Attachments to a material objects can be on something that was given to them by someone, or maybe something they happened to find. But the depth to which some folks attach to their material object can be so strong they can percieve their lives over if they lose it. Or will kill to protect it or revenge someone who took it.


     The last part of the game I would like to touch on is positioning. What I mean by positioning is where we place our characters in the mix. For example,  most of us would probably prefer to 'be' the boss, rather than the worker. Some want to be the boss because they like the 'power'  they hold over others in the same game. While others may just like the status, making them feel important.

     Another positioning role would be someone who may just like to be worshipped. To be thought of as the best. Revered for what they can do. Praised constantly for how smart they are, or how many sales they can make.  People want to know who is the fastest runner, the best dancer, or who can score the most touchdowns. After all, the ego must be fed.

     Positions are not always about power and winning. Sometimes it's about being the victim. Hanging on to something that happened in the past, or is going on in the present, which gives us a sense of hopelessness or pity  for our own selves. Supplying us with an excuse to fail, or justification for doing or not doing something.

     Some position themselves for attention. Enjoying being popular, or liked by many people. Movie actors, famous people, the class clown, or just someone who constantly talks about themselves because the world revolves around them, are a few examples of the attention seekers.

Human Game Summary

     Understanding of  the Human Game can be a double edged sword. On one hand the comedy of watching the players everywhere around us, and recognizing the sillyness of it all can be quite comical. Regularily  bringing  a smile to the face, or a shake of the head because of the unbelieveable absurdity, ignorance, or insanity involved.

     The one thing you must keep in mind is most people don't see games. So whatever they are involved in to them is very real, very serious, and quite often very dramatic. The deeper they are in their games, the stronger the emotions are. Possibly volitile, even deadly.

     Understanding the game can be a curse. Having a clear understanding of why people do the things they do, while they do not, can be quite frustrating. What you can see clearly as a game, or role in a game, as stated before, others may be seeing it as 'reality'. Try as you will to explain to someone that they can calm down, or be happy rather than sad, because it is all in their head to begin with; is almost always an exercise in futility. So there you are having to tolerate it because you get it, and they don't. And their lack of insight can really affect you, even hurt you.

     Yet,  the significance of it all does not lay among  these incidental ignorances. For they are minor in comparison to the  whole. In a world where we are just here to experience physical life, our 'realities' continuously destroy each other with much hate and violence.  When we are the same in purpose of life, we separate each other by race or culture, when there is no actual race or culture. Only the illusions of them in a game. We  kill over Gods we can only believe actually exist.  While every day new weapons of mass destruction are being developed to kill with.

     Even  on the  individual level, our need to attach to things drives us to insanity. We attach to other humans, 'needing' them in our lives; often becoming extremely depressed if they die, go away, or reject us. Even killing ourselves because of a lost love. We attach ourselves to material things, such as money or lifestyles. Our attachment to our ego's constantly drive us straight into  stupidity. Pride goething  before our falls.

     In the end, what it all boils down to, is ignorance. We are a species which thrives on living on automatic, and have no apparent desire to change it. When all it takes is enough people who understand to start teaching humans at the earliest age possible

     So where do we go from here? How do we break out of our comfort zone of the game, becoming not robots to our enviornments, but  individuals on a controlled quest for physical experiences and spiritual growth? How do we break the chain of ignorance to which we are bound, and become the mind we are supposed to be?

     Most importantly, how do we get out of the game? Or at least stay in constant realization that it is only a game, and control the game. Even if we do get control of our minds and are able to separate ourself from automatic and see the game, it is super easy to get sucked back to the game and totally forget everything you ever learned, losing control of your mind as emotions take over and drive us forward without thought.

     Once we do get control of the game and understand ourselves as indivual beings on our own personal journey's through life, We can gain control of our emotions and how we react to experiences. We don't have to be angry, or depressed, or a lifelong victim. We have choice. It is as simple as making a decision, because it all exists in our minds. It is an illusion. Let go of our attachment to the game and wallah! We are amazingly powerful.

     It is time to change the game. It is time to become the seed that seeks its own path. To do so, we must find our own selves. Each of us  must realize that we are the creators of our own universe and build upon our own power within. We must no longer doubt our own worth, our own value, because we alone created it. It exists only in our own minds.

     We must strengthen ourselves in the knowledge that we are the most important thing in our life. That we are our own best friend, and we love ourselves more than anything else. And we must know, without the slightest hesitation, that life is awesome. If it's not, its because of our choice for it not to be.

     Loving and making ones self the most important thing in their life is not  about  being arrogant or going on an ego trip. Nor is it about being selfish or self serving. Loving ones self  is about realizing that  no matter what happens in life, we always have our selves. That every day of our life, begins with us in it, and ends with us in it. And when we look in the mirror,  we should tell the person looking back at us that we love them. And mean it.

     It is the first step. Without having full and complete affinity for ourselves,  it is impossible  for us to develop into the  spiritual  beings we  are  meant to be. Just as without love and appreciation for  life, we can never fully receive the  intended  benefit of our  physical existence.  And without both of these things, we can never be truly free.

The Game

Chapter 3